At Monte Gallo rises over Sferracavallo, in the form of a triangle, a small peak called the “Quota 280”. The peak is on the left of the “Monte Santa Margherita”. The rock and the characteristics of the tours are very similar to those in St. Margherita. Everyone can expect diversified climbing passages with awesome views at the easily accessible Quota.
Drive on the road “Via Barcarello” on the outskirts of Sferracavallo along the coast. Park on the roadside about 150m before the little headland (is also the end of the road with a turning area) close to the bus stop “Punta Barcarello” (from 30 September free of charge).
Walk from the house number 61 on the (only) little road away from the coast in direction wall. At the last house the road changes to a indistinct track. Go uphill to the right, follow the stone men and pass below a fence. Go on a trail more uphill until a branch-off where you can cross to the left to Quota 280 or to the right to Santa Margherita.
To Quota cross uphill to the left and walk on a trail directly at the foot of wall to the tours.
Duration: approximately 20 minutes
From the tail of the tours you abseil once on the back. Walk down the channel and you get back to the access path.
Duration: approximately 30 minutes